Latest NewsKing’s Park Cleans up at Portadown College’s Primary School Cross Country5 years agoOn Friday 13th December, a group of Portadown College A Level Sports Science student organised a cross country event for…
Latest NewsCollege Annual Carol Service5 years agoPortadown College invite you to their annual Carol Service next Thursday 19th December 7pm in Portadown College Assembly Hall. All…
Latest NewsPC students excel as they achieve top places in NI CCEA GCSE and A Level examinations5 years agoKatie McCallen achieved 1st in Northern Ireland GCSE Single Award Science. Ellen Wilson was awarded 3rd in Northern Ireland GCSE Business Communication…
Latest News“The 39 Steps” Delights the Audience5 years agoPortadown College Dramatic Society staged a very successful performances of The 39 Steps based on the ground-breaking spy novel by…
Latest NewsSoroptimist Success for Lucy5 years agoCongratulations to Lucy Williamson, winner of the Soroptimist Public Speaking competition, and to Amy Hanna who came a close second.
Latest NewsPC Rock Concert for Children in Need5 years agoPC Charity Lifeline raises a fantastic £2150 through non-uniform day and sell-out Rock Concert for Children in Need.
Latest NewsPortadown College School Play 20195 years agoThis year’s school play is The 39 Steps – based on the ground-breaking spy novel by John Buchan which was…
Latest NewsTuning up for the Autumn Concert5 years agoThe Music department invite you to join them at their Autumn Concert on Tuesday 19th November at 7pm in the…
Latest NewsStudent Voice Member helps to promote the key message of Anti-Bullying Week 2019 – ‘Change Starts With Us’.5 years agoCongratulations to Student Voice member, Alana Cahoon, who has been appointed to the N. Ireland Anti-Bullying Forum. Supported by MLAs…
Latest NewsPCSU inaugural Dinner Dance5 years agoNinety students enjoyed a social evening of fun and fellowship at PC’s first SU Dinner Dance on Friday night in…