Geography (subjects: Geography, Travel & Tourism)

Mrs C Irwin (Head of Department)
Miss M Grimason
Mr P Richardson

The department aims to:

  • Develop a sense of place and an awareness of human and physical environments at a local, national and global scale
  • Help students acquire a range of skills, concepts and knowledge through geographical enquiry. These will include skills in practical fieldwork, in data collection, presentation, analysis, interpretation, conclusion and evaluation
  • Enhance knowledge and skills in the use of digital technology and Geographical Information Systems
  • Encourage students to become responsible members of the community and to appreciate and respect the environment in which they live
  • Enhance student knowledge of the tourism industry both on a national and international level
  • Develop student knowledge of the business environment in Tourism and equip students with the necessary skills to enter further education or employment
  • Increase teamwork skills, creativity and develop the ability to become reflective learners
  • Stimulate enjoyment and interest in the subjects of Geography and Tourism

GCSE Geography

Examination Board: CCEA

What is GCSE Geography about?

GCSE Geography is a current, relevant and engaging subject which allows students to develop a greater knowledge and understanding of both physical and human environments. It aims to develop students’ awareness of the relationships between people and the environment, emphasising the importance of sustainable development in today’s ever-changing world. GCSE Geography will develop skills in literacy, numeracy, graphicacy and oral presentation. Through fieldwork in Newcastle, Titanic Quarter and Portadown Town Centre students will be given the opportunity to investigate the world around us and develop skills in analysis, interpretation and working with others.

What will I study and how will I be assessed?

UnitsContentAssessmentWeighting %
Understanding our Natural WorldRivers


Weather and Climate

Restless Earth

1 hr 30 mins Examination40
Living in Our WorldPopulation and Migration

Changing Urban Areas

Contrasts in World Development

Managing Our Environment

1 hr 30 mins Examination40
FieldworkFieldwork Skills and Techniques1 hr examination20

What can this subject lead to?

Geography students are highly employable as Geography develops such a broad range of skills. It is relevant to a wide range of career options including Geographical Information Systems, planning, environmental science, risk management and resource management.


Examination Board: CCEA 

What is Geography about?

A level Geography provides students with the opportunity to explore geographical concepts and processes including interactions between people and their environment, the challenges of sustainability and the importance of attitudes and values.

Geography is relevant, stimulating and interesting. Whether you just want to broaden your knowledge, plan to continue your studies through further education, or use this course to start your career – this course will provide you with the opportunity to further develop transferable skills in communication, teamwork, analysis, investigation, evaluation, decision making, ICT and map reading. 

What will I study and how will I be assessed?

AS ContentAssessmentWeighting
Unit 1 AS1: Physical Geography

Fluvial Environments


Weather and Climate

External Examination


40% of AS

16% of A Level

Unit 2 AS2: Human Geography




External Examination


40% of AS

16% of A Level

Unit 3 AS3: Fieldwork Skills and Techniques in GeographyExternal Examination


20% of AS

8% of A Level

A2 ContentAssessmentWeighting
Unit 1 A2 1: Physical Processes and Human Interactions

Plate Tectonics

Coastal Environments

External Examination


24% of A Level
Unit 2 A2 2: Processes and Issues in Human Geography

Planning for Sustainable Settlements


External Examination


24% of A Level
Unit 3

A2 3:  Decision Making in Geography

External Examination12% of A Level

Are there any particular qualities, skills I should have to study this course and to what kind of careers can it lead?

Geography students are highly employable as Geography develops such a broad range of skills. It is relevant to a wide range of career options including Geographical Information Systems, planning, environmental science, risk management and resource management.

Entry Requirement: B in GCSE Geography

Fieldwork is an essential component at both AS and A2 level. At AS level students will be required to attend a residential fieldwork activity at Magilligan Field Centre in the Autumn term. Fieldwork at A2 will also be completed.


WJEC Level 3 Certificate and Diploma in Tourism (A level equivalent)

This qualification provides learners with the knowledge and skills associated with tourism organisations along with a broad basis of skills for further education and employment.

Units 1 and 2 are studied at Certificate Level (As equivalent) and Units 3 and 4 at Diploma (A2 equivalent).

Students will complete one externally assessed examination and one piece of controlled assessment at each level.  These are equally weighted.

1The United Kingdom Tourist ProductExternal
2Worldwide Tourism DestinationsInternal
3The Dynamic Tourism IndustryExternal
4Event and Itinerary PlanningInternal

Entry Requirement: B in GCSE English Language or Literature


Geography develops a wide range of valuable skills much sought after by employers and offers a wide variety of careers. Geographers are employed in diverse areas including policy and government, the physical environment, geographical information systems, the built environment, travel tourism and leisure, the business world, society and development and global issues.

Geography is relevant for a wide range of careers e.g. teacher, social worker, lawyer, journalist, human resources manager and many more including …

  • Public Communications Manager
  • Catastrophe Risk Analyst
  • Coastal or River Engineer
  • Geographic Information Analyst
  • Planner
  • Hydrometry and Telemetry Officer
  • Surveyor
  • Social Development Advisor
  • Resource Manager
  • Incident Response Manager
  • Sustainability Analyst
  • Flood Hazard Research


WJEC Level 3 qualification (A Level equivalent) in Tourism will be relevant for jobs within the Travel Industry itself. For example:

  • Events Organiser
  • Tourism Manager
  • Tourist Information Officer
  • Public Relations Officer
  • Customer Services Manager

However, this qualification in Tourism also provides students with the necessary skills required in a wide range of other areas of employment. For example:

  • Marketing
  • IT Consultancy
  • Web Design
  • Multi Media Programming
  • Human Resources
  • Public Relations
  • Financial Management
  • Sales
  • Management



A Level

Liverpool 2022

Magilligan 2022
