AS/A2 Level Studies 2023-2024
Your aptitudes, interests and ambitions
Portadown College offers A Level examinations in both traditional and vocational subjects. Vocational subjects such as Health and Social Care are similar to traditional A Levels but have stronger links with the world of work. Vocational courses contain a greater proportion of assessment by coursework than traditional ones.
A Levels are assessed through a combination of examinations and coursework. In most subjects the examinations carry the significant weight of assessment. If you enrol with us as a Sixth Former you can choose up to four subjects listed below. Some students study four subjects in both Years 13 and 14; others will continue with three in their second year. Our aim is to be as flexible as possible, allowing students to tailor their curriculum to their career planning.
Supporting the most able
In recent years it has become apparent that an increasing number of our students wish to study 5 AS Levels in Year 13 and some continue with all 5 into Year 14. We recognise that large numbers of our students are gifted and talented and make every attempt to meet their needs. Stretching the very able takes place in a number of ways, in addition to an expanded AS/A2 curriculum:
- Oxbridge preparation;
- Enrichment activities;
- Mathematics Challenge UK;
- Public speaking competitions;
- Subject Olympiads.
We recognise that not every student will find the transition from GCSE to AS and A2 levels completely smooth. It is our aim, however, to support students in building the coping mechanisms they need to maximise their potential in the form of pastoral support, counselling, time management, planning, guided private study, careers advice and mentoring.